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Camera Calibration

Class: CameraCalibrationBlockV1

Source: inference.core.workflows.core_steps.transformations.camera_calibration.v1.CameraCalibrationBlockV1

This block uses the OpenCV calibrateCamera function to remove lens distortions from an image. Please refer to OpenCV documentation where camera calibration methodology is described:

This block requires following parameters in order to perform the calibration: Lens focal length along the x-axis and y-axis (fx, fy) Lens optical centers along the x-axis and y-axis (cx, cy) Radial distortion coefficients (k1, k2, k3) Tangential distortion coefficients (p1, p2)

Based on above parameters, camera matrix will be built as follows: [[fx 0 cx][ 0 fy cy] [ 0 0 1 ]]

Distortions coefficient will be passed as 5-tuple (k1, k2, p1, p2, k3)

Type identifier

Use the following identifier in step "type" field: roboflow_core/camera-calibration@v1to add the block as as step in your workflow.


Name Type Description Refs
name str Enter a unique identifier for this step..
fx float Focal length along the x-axis.
fy float Focal length along the y-axis.
cx float Optical center along the x-axis.
cy float Optical center along the y-axis.
k1 float Radial distortion coefficient k1.
k2 float Radial distortion coefficient k2.
k3 float Radial distortion coefficient k3.
p1 float Distortion coefficient p1.
p2 float Distortion coefficient p2.

The Refs column marks possibility to parametrise the property with dynamic values available in workflow runtime. See Bindings for more info.

Available Connections

Compatible Blocks

Check what blocks you can connect to Camera Calibration in version v1.

Input and Output Bindings

The available connections depend on its binding kinds. Check what binding kinds Camera Calibration in version v1 has.

  • input

    • image (image): Image to remove distortions from.
    • fx (float): Focal length along the x-axis.
    • fy (float): Focal length along the y-axis.
    • cx (float): Optical center along the x-axis.
    • cy (float): Optical center along the y-axis.
    • k1 (float): Radial distortion coefficient k1.
    • k2 (float): Radial distortion coefficient k2.
    • k3 (float): Radial distortion coefficient k3.
    • p1 (float): Distortion coefficient p1.
    • p2 (float): Distortion coefficient p2.
  • output

    • calibrated_image (image): Image in workflows.
Example JSON definition of step Camera Calibration in version v1
    "name": "<your_step_name_here>",
    "type": "roboflow_core/camera-calibration@v1",
    "image": "$inputs.image",
    "fx": 0.123,
    "fy": 0.123,
    "cx": 0.123,
    "cy": 0.123,
    "k1": 0.123,
    "k2": 0.123,
    "k3": 0.123,
    "p1": 0.123,
    "p2": 0.123