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Detection Offset

Class: DetectionOffsetBlockV1

Source: inference.core.workflows.core_steps.transformations.detection_offset.v1.DetectionOffsetBlockV1

Apply a fixed offset to the width and height of a detection.

You can use this block to add padding around the result of a detection. This is useful to ensure that you can analyze bounding boxes that may be within the region of an object instead of being around an object.

Type identifier

Use the following identifier in step "type" field: roboflow_core/detection_offset@v1to add the block as as step in your workflow.


Name Type Description Refs
name str Enter a unique identifier for this step..
offset_width int Offset for box width..
offset_height int Offset for box height..
units str Units for offset dimensions..

The Refs column marks possibility to parametrise the property with dynamic values available in workflow runtime. See Bindings for more info.

Available Connections

Compatible Blocks

Check what blocks you can connect to Detection Offset in version v1.

Input and Output Bindings

The available connections depend on its binding kinds. Check what binding kinds Detection Offset in version v1 has.

Example JSON definition of step Detection Offset in version v1
    "name": "<your_step_name_here>",
    "type": "roboflow_core/detection_offset@v1",
    "predictions": "$steps.object_detection_model.predictions",
    "offset_width": 10,
    "offset_height": 10,
    "units": "Pixels"