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Email Notification

Class: EmailNotificationBlockV1

Source: inference.core.workflows.core_steps.sinks.email_notification.v1.EmailNotificationBlockV1

The Email Notification block allows users to send email notifications as part of a workflow. It requires SMTP server setup to send the notification

Customizable Email Content

  • Subject: Set the subject field to define the subject line of the email.

  • Message: Use the message field to write the body content of the email. Message can be parametrised with data generated during workflow run. See Dynamic Parameters section.

  • Recipients (To, CC, BCC): Define who will receive the email using receiver_email, cc_receiver_email, and bcc_receiver_email properties. You can input a single email or a list.

Dynamic Parameters

Content of the message can be parametrised with Workflow execution outcomes. Take a look at the example message using dynamic parameters:

message = "This is example notification. Predicted classes: {{ $parameters.predicted_classes }}"

Message parameters are delivered by Workflows Execution Engine by setting proper data selectors in message_parameters field, for example:

message_parameters = {
    "predicted_classes": "$steps.model.predictions"

Selecting data is not the only option - data may be processed in the block. In the example below we wish to extract names of predicted classes. We can apply transformation for each parameter by setting message_parameters_operations:

message_parameters_operations = {
    "predictions": [
        {"type": "DetectionsPropertyExtract", "property_name": "class_name"}

As a result, in the e-mail that will be sent, you can expect:

This is example notification. Predicted classes: ["class_a", "class_b"].

Configuring SMTP server

Those are the parameters configuring SMTP server:

  • smtp_server - hostname of the SMTP server to use

  • sender_email - e-mail account to be used as sender

  • sender_email_password - password for sender e-mail account

  • smtp_port - port of SMTP service - defaults to 465

Block enforces SSL over SMTP.

Typical scenario for using custom SMTP server involves sending e-mail through Google SMTP server. Take a look at Google tutorial to configure the block properly.

GMAIL password will not work if 2-step verification is turned on

GMAIL users choosing custom SMTP server as e-mail service provider must configure application password to avoid problems with 2-step verification protected account. Beware that application password must be kept protected - we recommend sending the password in Workflow input and providing it each time by the caller, avoiding storing it in Workflow definition.


The block accepts cooldown_seconds (which defaults to 5 seconds) to prevent unintended bursts of notifications. Please adjust it according to your needs, setting 0 indicate no cooldown.

During cooldown period, consecutive runs of the step will cause throttling_status output to be set True and no notification will be sent.

Cooldown limitations

Current implementation of cooldown is limited to video processing - using this block in context of a Workflow that is run behind HTTP service (Roboflow Hosted API, Dedicated Deployment or self-hosted inference server) will have no effect for processing HTTP requests.


You may specify attachment files to be send with your e-mail. Attachments can only be generated in runtime by dedicated blocks (for instance CSV Formatter)

To include attachments, simply provide the attachment name and refer to other block outputs:

attachments = {
    "report.pdf": "$steps.report_generator.output"

Async execution

Configure the fire_and_forget property. Set it to True if you want the email to be sent in the background, allowing the Workflow to proceed without waiting on e-mail to be sent. In this case you will not be able to rely on error_status output which will always be set to False, so we recommend setting the fire_and_forget=False for debugging purposes.

Disabling notifications based on runtime parameter

Sometimes it would be convenient to manually disable the e-mail notifier block. This is possible setting disable_sink flag to hold reference to Workflow input. with such setup, caller would be able to disable the sink when needed sending agreed input parameter.

Type identifier

Use the following identifier in step "type" field: roboflow_core/email_notification@v1to add the block as as step in your workflow.


Name Type Description Refs
name str Enter a unique identifier for this step..
subject str Subject of the message..
sender_email str E-mail to be used to send the message..
receiver_email Union[List[str], str] Destination e-mail address..
message str Content of the message to be send..
message_parameters Dict[str, Union[bool, float, int, str]] Data to be used inside the message..
message_parameters_operations Dict[str, List[Union[ClassificationPropertyExtract, ConvertDictionaryToJSON, ConvertImageToBase64, ConvertImageToJPEG, DetectionsFilter, DetectionsOffset, DetectionsPropertyExtract, DetectionsRename, DetectionsSelection, DetectionsShift, DetectionsToDictionary, Divide, ExtractDetectionProperty, ExtractImageProperty, LookupTable, Multiply, NumberRound, NumericSequenceAggregate, PickDetectionsByParentClass, RandomNumber, SequenceAggregate, SequenceApply, SequenceElementsCount, SequenceLength, SequenceMap, SortDetections, StringMatches, StringSubSequence, StringToLowerCase, StringToUpperCase, ToBoolean, ToNumber, ToString]]] Preprocessing operations to be performed on message parameters..
cc_receiver_email Optional[List[str], str] Destination e-mail address..
bcc_receiver_email Optional[List[str], str] Destination e-mail address..
smtp_server str Custom SMTP server to be used..
sender_email_password str Sender e-mail password be used when authenticating to SMTP server..
smtp_port int SMTP server port..
fire_and_forget bool Boolean flag to run the block asynchronously (True) for faster workflows or synchronously (False) for debugging and error handling..
disable_sink bool Boolean flag to disable block execution..
cooldown_seconds int Number of seconds until a follow-up notification can be sent. .

The Refs column marks possibility to parametrise the property with dynamic values available in workflow runtime. See Bindings for more info.

Available Connections

Compatible Blocks

Check what blocks you can connect to Email Notification in version v1.

Input and Output Bindings

The available connections depend on its binding kinds. Check what binding kinds Email Notification in version v1 has.

  • input

    • sender_email (string): E-mail to be used to send the message..
    • receiver_email (Union[list_of_values, string]): Destination e-mail address..
    • message_parameters (*): Data to be used inside the message..
    • cc_receiver_email (Union[list_of_values, string]): Destination e-mail address..
    • bcc_receiver_email (Union[list_of_values, string]): Destination e-mail address..
    • attachments (Union[bytes, string]): Attachments.
    • smtp_server (string): Custom SMTP server to be used..
    • sender_email_password (Union[string, secret]): Sender e-mail password be used when authenticating to SMTP server..
    • fire_and_forget (boolean): Boolean flag to run the block asynchronously (True) for faster workflows or synchronously (False) for debugging and error handling..
    • disable_sink (boolean): Boolean flag to disable block execution..
    • cooldown_seconds (integer): Number of seconds until a follow-up notification can be sent. .
  • output

    • error_status (boolean): Boolean flag.
    • throttling_status (boolean): Boolean flag.
    • message (string): String value.
Example JSON definition of step Email Notification in version v1
    "name": "<your_step_name_here>",
    "type": "roboflow_core/email_notification@v1",
    "subject": "Workflow alert",
    "sender_email": "",
    "receiver_email": "",
    "message": "During last 5 minutes detected {{ $parameters.num_instances }} instances",
    "message_parameters": {
        "predictions": "$steps.model.predictions",
        "reference": "$inputs.reference_class_names"
    "message_parameters_operations": {
        "predictions": [
                "property_name": "class_name",
                "type": "DetectionsPropertyExtract"
    "cc_receiver_email": "",
    "bcc_receiver_email": "",
    "attachments": {
        "report.cvs": "$steps.csv_formatter.csv_content"
    "smtp_server": "$inputs.smtp_server",
    "sender_email_password": "$inputs.email_password",
    "smtp_port": 465,
    "fire_and_forget": "$inputs.fire_and_forget",
    "disable_sink": false,
    "cooldown_seconds": "$inputs.cooldown_seconds"