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Florence-2 Model


Class: Florence2BlockV2 (there are multiple versions of this block)


Warning: This block has multiple versions. Please refer to the specific version for details. You can learn more about how versions work here: Versioning

Dedicated inference server required (GPU recommended) - you may want to use dedicated deployment

This Workflow block introduces Florence 2, a Visual Language Model (VLM) capable of performing a wide range of tasks, including:

  • Object Detection

  • Instance Segmentation

  • Image Captioning

  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

  • and more...

Below is a comprehensive list of tasks supported by the model, along with descriptions on how to utilize their outputs within the Workflows ecosystem:

Task Descriptions:

  • Custom Prompt (custom) - Use free-form prompt to generate a response. Useful with finetuned models.

  • Text Recognition (OCR) (ocr) - Model recognizes text in the image

  • Text Detection & Recognition (OCR) (ocr-with-text-detection) - Model detects text regions in the image, and then performs OCR on each detected region

  • Captioning (short) (caption) - Model provides a short description of the image

  • Captioning (detailed-caption) - Model provides a long description of the image

  • Captioning (long) (more-detailed-caption) - Model provides a very long description of the image

  • Unprompted Object Detection (object-detection) - Model detects and returns the bounding boxes for prominent objects in the image

  • Object Detection (open-vocabulary-object-detection) - Model detects and returns the bounding boxes for the provided classes

  • Detection & Captioning (object-detection-and-caption) - Model detects prominent objects and captions them

  • Prompted Object Detection (phrase-grounded-object-detection) - Based on the textual prompt, model detects objects matching the descriptions

  • Prompted Instance Segmentation (phrase-grounded-instance-segmentation) - Based on the textual prompt, model segments objects matching the descriptions

  • Segment Bounding Box (detection-grounded-instance-segmentation) - Model segments the object in the provided bounding box into a polygon

  • Classification of Bounding Box (detection-grounded-classification) - Model classifies the object inside the provided bounding box

  • Captioning of Bounding Box (detection-grounded-caption) - Model captions the object in the provided bounding box

  • Text Recognition (OCR) for Bounding Box (detection-grounded-ocr) - Model performs OCR on the text inside the provided bounding box

  • Regions of Interest proposal (region-proposal) - Model proposes Regions of Interest (Bounding Boxes) in the image

Type identifier

Use the following identifier in step "type" field: roboflow_core/florence_2@v2to add the block as as step in your workflow.


Name Type Description Refs
name str Enter a unique identifier for this step..
task_type str Task type to be performed by model. Value determines required parameters and output response..
prompt str Text prompt to the Florence-2 model.
classes List[str] List of classes to be used.
grounding_detection Optional[List[float], List[int]] Detection to ground Florence-2 model. May be statically provided bounding box [left_top_x, left_top_y, right_bottom_x, right_bottom_y] or result of object-detection model. If the latter is true, one box will be selected based on grounding_selection_mode..
grounding_selection_mode str .
model_id str Model to be used.

The Refs column marks possibility to parametrise the property with dynamic values available in workflow runtime. See Bindings for more info.

Available Connections

Compatible Blocks

Check what blocks you can connect to Florence-2 Model in version v2.

Input and Output Bindings

The available connections depend on its binding kinds. Check what binding kinds Florence-2 Model in version v2 has.

Example JSON definition of step Florence-2 Model in version v2
    "name": "<your_step_name_here>",
    "type": "roboflow_core/florence_2@v2",
    "images": "$inputs.image",
    "task_type": "<block_does_not_provide_example>",
    "prompt": "my prompt",
    "classes": [
    "grounding_detection": "$steps.detection.predictions",
    "grounding_selection_mode": "first",
    "model_id": "florence-2-base"


Class: Florence2BlockV1 (there are multiple versions of this block)


Warning: This block has multiple versions. Please refer to the specific version for details. You can learn more about how versions work here: Versioning

Dedicated inference server required (GPU recommended) - you may want to use dedicated deployment

This Workflow block introduces Florence 2, a Visual Language Model (VLM) capable of performing a wide range of tasks, including:

  • Object Detection

  • Instance Segmentation

  • Image Captioning

  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

  • and more...

Below is a comprehensive list of tasks supported by the model, along with descriptions on how to utilize their outputs within the Workflows ecosystem:

Task Descriptions:

  • Custom Prompt (custom) - Use free-form prompt to generate a response. Useful with finetuned models.

  • Text Recognition (OCR) (ocr) - Model recognizes text in the image

  • Text Detection & Recognition (OCR) (ocr-with-text-detection) - Model detects text regions in the image, and then performs OCR on each detected region

  • Captioning (short) (caption) - Model provides a short description of the image

  • Captioning (detailed-caption) - Model provides a long description of the image

  • Captioning (long) (more-detailed-caption) - Model provides a very long description of the image

  • Unprompted Object Detection (object-detection) - Model detects and returns the bounding boxes for prominent objects in the image

  • Object Detection (open-vocabulary-object-detection) - Model detects and returns the bounding boxes for the provided classes

  • Detection & Captioning (object-detection-and-caption) - Model detects prominent objects and captions them

  • Prompted Object Detection (phrase-grounded-object-detection) - Based on the textual prompt, model detects objects matching the descriptions

  • Prompted Instance Segmentation (phrase-grounded-instance-segmentation) - Based on the textual prompt, model segments objects matching the descriptions

  • Segment Bounding Box (detection-grounded-instance-segmentation) - Model segments the object in the provided bounding box into a polygon

  • Classification of Bounding Box (detection-grounded-classification) - Model classifies the object inside the provided bounding box

  • Captioning of Bounding Box (detection-grounded-caption) - Model captions the object in the provided bounding box

  • Text Recognition (OCR) for Bounding Box (detection-grounded-ocr) - Model performs OCR on the text inside the provided bounding box

  • Regions of Interest proposal (region-proposal) - Model proposes Regions of Interest (Bounding Boxes) in the image

Type identifier

Use the following identifier in step "type" field: roboflow_core/florence_2@v1to add the block as as step in your workflow.


Name Type Description Refs
name str Enter a unique identifier for this step..
task_type str Task type to be performed by model. Value determines required parameters and output response..
prompt str Text prompt to the Florence-2 model.
classes List[str] List of classes to be used.
grounding_detection Optional[List[float], List[int]] Detection to ground Florence-2 model. May be statically provided bounding box [left_top_x, left_top_y, right_bottom_x, right_bottom_y] or result of object-detection model. If the latter is true, one box will be selected based on grounding_selection_mode..
grounding_selection_mode str .
model_version str Model to be used.

The Refs column marks possibility to parametrise the property with dynamic values available in workflow runtime. See Bindings for more info.

Available Connections

Compatible Blocks

Check what blocks you can connect to Florence-2 Model in version v1.

Input and Output Bindings

The available connections depend on its binding kinds. Check what binding kinds Florence-2 Model in version v1 has.

Example JSON definition of step Florence-2 Model in version v1
    "name": "<your_step_name_here>",
    "type": "roboflow_core/florence_2@v1",
    "images": "$inputs.image",
    "task_type": "<block_does_not_provide_example>",
    "prompt": "my prompt",
    "classes": [
    "grounding_detection": "$steps.detection.predictions",
    "grounding_selection_mode": "first",
    "model_version": "florence-2-base"