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Version v2

Ask a question to OpenAI's GPT-4 with Vision model.

You can specify arbitrary text prompts or predefined ones, the block supports the following types of prompt:

  • unconstrained - any arbitrary prompt you like

  • ocr- predefined prompt to recognise text from image

  • visual-question-answering - your prompt is supposed to provide question and will be wrapped into structure that is suited for VQA task

  • caption - predefined prompt to generate short caption of the image

  • detailed-caption - predefined prompt to generate elaborated caption of the image

  • classification - predefined prompt to generate multi-class classification output (that can be parsed with VLM as Classifier block)

  • multi-label-classification - predefined prompt to generate multi-label classification output (that can be parsed with VLM as Classifier block)

  • structured-answering - your input defines expected JSON output fields that can be parsed with JSON Parser block.

You need to provide your OpenAI API key to use the GPT-4 with Vision model.

Type identifier

Use the following identifier in step "type" field: roboflow_core/open_ai@v2to add the block as as step in your workflow.


Name Type Description Refs
name str The unique name of this step..
task_type str Task type to be performed by model. Value of parameter determine set of fields that are required. For unconstrained, visual-question-answering, - prompt parameter must be provided.For structured-answering - output-structure must be provided. For classification, multi-label-classification - classes must be filled. ocr, caption, detailed-caption do notrequire any additional parameter..
prompt str Text prompt to the OpenAI model.
output_structure Dict[str, str] Dictionary with structure of expected JSON response.
classes List[str] List of classes to be used.
api_key str Your OpenAI API key.
model_version str Model to be used.
image_detail str Indicates the image's quality, with 'high' suggesting it is of high resolution and should be processed or displayed with high fidelity..
max_tokens int Maximum number of tokens the model can generate in it's response..
temperature float Temperature to sample from the model - value in range 0.0-2.0, the higher - the more random / "creative" the generations are..
max_concurrent_requests int Number of concurrent requests that can be executed by block when batch of input images provided. If not given - block defaults to value configured globally in Workflows Execution Engine. Please restrict if you hit OpenAI limits..

The Refs column marks possibility to parametrise the property with dynamic values available in workflow runtime. See Bindings for more info.

Available Connections

Check what blocks you can connect to OpenAI in version v2.

The available connections depend on its binding kinds. Check what binding kinds OpenAI in version v2 has.

  • input

    • images (image): The image to infer on.
    • prompt (string): Text prompt to the OpenAI model.
    • classes (list_of_values): List of classes to be used.
    • api_key (string): Your OpenAI API key.
    • model_version (string): Model to be used.
    • image_detail (string): Indicates the image's quality, with 'high' suggesting it is of high resolution and should be processed or displayed with high fidelity..
    • temperature (float): Temperature to sample from the model - value in range 0.0-2.0, the higher - the more random / "creative" the generations are..
  • output

Example JSON definition of step OpenAI in version v2
    "name": "<your_step_name_here>",
    "type": "roboflow_core/open_ai@v2",
    "images": "$inputs.image",
    "task_type": "<block_does_not_provide_example>",
    "prompt": "my prompt",
    "output_structure": {
        "my_key": "description"
    "classes": [
    "api_key": "xxx-xxx",
    "model_version": "gpt-4o",
    "image_detail": "auto",
    "max_tokens": "<block_does_not_provide_example>",
    "temperature": "<block_does_not_provide_example>",
    "max_concurrent_requests": "<block_does_not_provide_example>"

Version v1

Ask a question to OpenAI's GPT-4 with Vision model.

You can specify arbitrary text prompts to the OpenAIBlock.

You need to provide your OpenAI API key to use the GPT-4 with Vision model.

This model was previously part of the LMM block.

Type identifier

Use the following identifier in step "type" field: roboflow_core/open_ai@v1to add the block as as step in your workflow.


Name Type Description Refs
name str The unique name of this step..
prompt str Text prompt to the OpenAI model.
openai_api_key str Your OpenAI API key.
openai_model str Model to be used.
json_output_format Dict[str, str] Holds dictionary that maps name of requested output field into its description.
image_detail str Indicates the image's quality, with 'high' suggesting it is of high resolution and should be processed or displayed with high fidelity..
max_tokens int Maximum number of tokens the model can generate in it's response..

The Refs column marks possibility to parametrise the property with dynamic values available in workflow runtime. See Bindings for more info.

Available Connections

Check what blocks you can connect to OpenAI in version v1.

The available connections depend on its binding kinds. Check what binding kinds OpenAI in version v1 has.

  • input

    • images (image): The image to infer on.
    • prompt (string): Text prompt to the OpenAI model.
    • openai_api_key (string): Your OpenAI API key.
    • openai_model (string): Model to be used.
    • image_detail (string): Indicates the image's quality, with 'high' suggesting it is of high resolution and should be processed or displayed with high fidelity..
  • output

    • parent_id (parent_id): Identifier of parent for step output.
    • root_parent_id (parent_id): Identifier of parent for step output.
    • image (image_metadata): Dictionary with image metadata required by supervision.
    • structured_output (dictionary): Dictionary.
    • raw_output (string): String value.
    • * (*): Equivalent of any element.
Example JSON definition of step OpenAI in version v1
    "name": "<your_step_name_here>",
    "type": "roboflow_core/open_ai@v1",
    "images": "$inputs.image",
    "prompt": "my prompt",
    "openai_api_key": "xxx-xxx",
    "openai_model": "gpt-4o",
    "json_output_format": {
        "count": "number of cats in the picture"
    "image_detail": "auto",
    "max_tokens": 450