The video_metadata kind has been deprecated, and we strongly recommend discontinuing its use for building
blocks moving forward. As an alternative, the image kind has been extended to support the same metadata as
video_metadata kind, which can now be provided optionally. This update is
non-breaking for existing blocks, but some older blocks that produce images may become incompatible with
future video processing blocks.
Potential blocks incompatibility
As previously mentioned, adding video_metadata as an optional field to the internal representation of
image kind (WorkflowImageData class)
may introduce some friction between existing blocks that output the image kind and
future video processing blocks that rely on video_metadata being part of image representation.
The issue arises because, while we can provide default values for video_metadata in image without
explicitly copying them from the input, any non-default metadata that was added upstream may be lost.
This can lead to downstream blocks that depend on the video_metadata not functioning as expected.
We've updated all existing roboflow_core blocks to account for this, but blocks created before this change in
external repositories may cause issues in workflows where their output images are used by video processing blocks.
While the deprecated video_metadata kind is still available for use, it will be fully removed in
Execution Engine version v2.0.0.
As a result of the changes mentioned above, the internal representation of the image kind has been updated to
include a new video_metadata property. This property can be optionally set in the constructor; if not provided,
a default value with reasonable defaults will be used. To simplify metadata manipulation within blocks, we have
introduced two new class methods: WorkflowImageData.copy_and_replace(...) and WorkflowImageData.create_crop(...).
For more details, refer to the updated WoorkflowImageData usage guide.
Introduced the change that let each kind have serializer and deserializer defined. The change decouples Workflows
plugins with Execution Engine and make it possible to integrate the ecosystem with external systems that
require data transfer through the wire. Blocks bundling page was updated to reflect
that change.
Kinds defined in roboflow_core plugin were provided with suitable serializers and deserializers
Workflows Compiler and Execution Engine were enhanced to support batch-oriented inputs of
any kind, contrary to versions prior v1.3.0, which could only take image and video_metadata kinds
as batch-oriented inputs (as a result of unfortunate and not-needed coupling of kind to internal data
format introduced at the level of Execution Engine). As a result of the change:
new input type was introduced:WorkflowBatchInput should be used from now on to denote
batch-oriented inputs (and clearly separate them from WorkflowParameters). WorkflowBatchInput
let users define both kind of the data and it's
New input type is effectively a superset of all previous batch-oriented inputs: WorkflowImage and
WorkflowVideoMetadata, which remain supported, but will be removed in Execution Engine v2.
We advise adjusting to the new input format, yet the requirement is not strict at the moment - as
Execution Engine requires now explicit definition of input data kind to select data deserializer
properly. This may not be the case in the future, as in most cases batch-oriented data kind may
be inferred by compiler (yet this feature is not implemented for now).
new selector type annotation was introduced - named simply Selector(...).
Selector(...) is supposed to replace StepOutputSelector, WorkflowImageSelector, StepOutputImageSelector,
WorkflowVideoMetadataSelector and WorkflowParameterSelector in block manifests,
letting developers express that specific step manifest property is able to hold either selector of specific kind.
Mentioned old annotation types should be assumed deprecated, we advise to migrate into Selector(...).
as a result of simplification in the selectors type annotations, the old selector will no
longer be providing the information on which parameter of blocks' run(...) method is
shipped by Execution Engine wrapped into Batch[X] container.
Instead of old selectors type annotations and block_manifest.accepts_batch_input() method,
we propose the switch into two methods explicitly defining the parameters that are expected to
be fed with batch-oriented data (block_manifest.get_parameters_accepting_batches()) and
parameters capable of taking both batches and scalar values
(block_manifest.get_parameters_accepting_batches_and_scalars()). Return value of block_manifest.accepts_batch_input()
is built upon the results of two new methods. The change is non-breaking, as any existing block which
was capable of processing batches must have implemented block_manifest.accepts_batch_input() method returning
True and use appropriate selector type annotation which indicated batch-oriented data.
As a result of the changes, it is now possible to split any arbitrary workflows into multiple ones executing
subsets of steps, enabling building such tools as debuggers.
Breaking change planned - Execution Engine v2.0.0
WorkflowImage and WorkflowVideoMetadata inputs will be removed from Workflows ecosystem.
StepOutputSelector,WorkflowImageSelector,StepOutputImageSelector,WorkflowVideoMetadataSelectorandWorkflowParameterSelector` type annotations used in block manifests will be removed from Workflows ecosystem.
Creating your Workflows plugin you may introduce custom serializers and deserializers
for Workflows kinds. To achieve that end, simply place the following dictionaries
in the main module of the plugin (the same where you place load_blocks(...) function):
fromtypingimportAnydefserialize_kind(value:Any)->Any:# place here the code that will be used to# transform internal Workflows data representation into # the external one (that can be sent through the wire in JSON, using# default JSON encoder for Python).passdefdeserialize_kind(parameter_name:str,value:Any)->Any:# place here the code that will be used to decode # data sent through the wire into the Execution Engine# and transform it into proper internal Workflows data representation# which is understood by the blocks.passKINDS_SERIALIZERS={"name_of_the_kind":serialize_kind,}KINDS_DESERIALIZERS={"name_of_the_kind":deserialize_kind,}
New type annotation for selectors - blocks without Batch[X] inputs
Blocks manifest may optionally be updated to use Selector in the following way:
the data property in the original example was able to accept both batches of data
and scalar values due to selector of batch-orienetd data (StepOutputSelector) and
scalar data (WorkflowParameterSelector). Now the same is manifested by Selector(...) type
annotation and return value from get_parameters_accepting_batches_and_scalars(...) method.
New inputs in Workflows definitions
Anyone that used either WorkflowImage or WorkflowVideoMetadata inputs in their
Workflows definition may optionally migrate into WorkflowBatchInput. The transition
is illustrated below:
Leaving kind field empty may prevent some data - like images - from being deserialized properly.
If you do not like the way how data is serialized in roboflow_core plugin,
feel free to alter the serialization methods for kinds, simply registering
the function in your plugin and loading it to the Execution Engine - the
serializer/deserializer defined as the last one will be in use.
Added new kind - secret to represent credentials. No action needed for existing
blocks, yet it is expected that over time blocks developers should use this kind, whenever block is to accept secret
value as parameter.
Fixed issue with results serialization introduced in v1.3.0 - by mistake, Execution Engine was not serializing
non-batch oriented outputs.
Fixed Execution Engine bug with preparing inputs for steps. For non-SIMD steps before, while collecting inputs
in runtime, WorkflowBlockManifest.accepts_empty_input() method result was being ignored - causing the bug when
one non-SIMD step was feeding empty values to downstream blocks. Additionally, in the light of changes made in v1.3.0,
thanks to which non-SIMD blocks can easily feed inputs for downstream SIMD steps - it is needed to check if
upstream non-SIMD block yielded non-empty results (as SIMD block may not accept empty results). This check was added.
No action needed for existing blocks, but this fix may fix previously broken Workflows.
This change does not require any change from Workflows users. This is just performance optimisation.
Exposed new parameter in the init method of BaseExecutionEngine class - executor which can accept instance of
Python ThreadPoolExecutor to be used by execution engine. Thanks to this change, processing should be faster, as
each will not require dedicated instance of ThreadPoolExecutor as it was so far.
Additionally, we are significantly limiting threads spawning which may also be a benefit in some installations.
Despite the change, Execution Engine maintains the limit of concurrently executed steps - by limiting the number of
steps that run through the executor at a time (since Execution Engine is no longer in control of ThreadPoolExecutor
creation, and it is possible for the pool to have more workers available).
How to inject ThreadPoolExecutor to Execution Engine?