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Stream Management

[!IMPORTANT] We require a Roboflow Enterprise License to use this in production. See inference/enterpise/LICENSE.txt for details.


This feature is designed to cater to users requiring the execution of inference to generate predictions using Roboflow object-detection models, particularly when dealing with online video streams. It enhances the functionalities of the familiar inference.Stream() and InferencePipeline() interfaces, as found in the open-source version of the library, by introducing a sophisticated management layer. The inclusion of additional capabilities empowers users to remotely manage the state of inference pipelines through the HTTP management interface integrated into this package.

This functionality proves beneficial in various scenarios, including but not limited to:

  • Performing inference across multiple online video streams simultaneously.
  • Executing inference on multiple devices that necessitate coordination.
  • Establishing a monitoring layer to oversee video processing based on the inference package.


Stream Management - design

Example use-case

Joe aims to monitor objects within the footage captured by a fleet of IP cameras installed in his factory. After successfully training an object-detection model on the Roboflow platform, he is now prepared for deployment. With four cameras in his factory, Joe opts for a model that is sufficiently compact, allowing for over 30 inferences per second on his Jetson devices. Considering this computational budget per device, Joe determines that he requires two Jetson devices to efficiently process footage from all cameras, anticipating an inference throughput of approximately 15 frames per second for each video source.

To streamline the deployment, Joe chooses to deploy Stream Management containers to all available Jetson devices within his local network. This setup enables him to communicate with each Jetson device via HTTP, facilitating the orchestration of processing tasks. Joe develops a web app through which he can send commands to the devices and retrieve metrics regarding the statuses of the video streams.

Finally, Joe implements a UDP server capable of receiving predictions, leveraging the supervision package to effectively track objects in the footage. This comprehensive approach allows Joe to manage and monitor the object-detection process seamlessly across his fleet of Jetson devices.

How to run?

In docker - using docker compose

The most prevalent use-cases are conveniently encapsulated with Docker Compose configurations, ensuring readiness for immediate use. Nevertheless, in specific instances where custom configuration adjustments are required within Docker containers, such as passing camera devices, alternative options may prove more suitable.

CPU-based devices

repository_root$ docker compose -f ./docker/dockerfiles/stream-management-api.compose-cpu.yaml up

GPU-based devices

repository_root$ docker compose -f ./docker/dockerfiles/stream-management-api.compose-gpu.yaml up

Jetson devices (JetPack 5.1.1)

repository_root$ docker-compose -f ./docker/dockerfiles/stream-management-api.compose-jetson.5.1.1.yaml up

Disclaimer: At Jetson devices, some operations (like container bootstrap or initialisation of model) takes more time than for other ones. In particular - docker compose definition in current form do not define active awaiting TCP socket port to be opened by Stream Manager - which means that initial requests to HTTP API may be responded with HTTP 503.

In docker - running API and stream manager containers separately


CPU-based devices
docker run -d --name stream_manager --network host roboflow/roboflow-inference-stream-manager-cpu:latest
docker run -d --name stream_management_api --network host roboflow/roboflow-inference-stream-management-api:latest
GPU-based devices
docker run -d --name stream_manager --network host --runtime nvidia roboflow/roboflow-inference-stream-manager-gpu:latest
docker run -d --name stream_management_api --network host roboflow/roboflow-inference-stream-management-api:latest
Jetson devices (JetPack 5.1.1)
docker run -d --name stream_manager --network host --runtime nvidia roboflow/roboflow-inference-stream-manager-jetson-5.1.1:latest
docker run -d --name stream_management_api --network host roboflow/roboflow-inference-stream-management-api:latest

Configuration parameters

Stream Management API
  • STREAM_MANAGER_HOST - hostname for stream manager container (alter with container name if --network host not used or used against remote machine)
  • STREAM_MANAGER_PORT - port to communicate with stream manager (must match with stream manager container)
Stream Manager
  • PORT - port at which server will be running
  • one can mount volume under container's /tmp/cache to enable permanent storage of models - for faster inference pipelines initialisation
  • at the level of this container the connectivity to camera must be enabled - so if device passing to docker must happen - it should happen at this stage

Build (Optional)

Stream Management API
docker build -t roboflow/roboflow-inference-stream-management-api:dev -f docker/dockerfiles/Dockerfile.stream_management_api .
Stream Manager
docker build -t roboflow/roboflow-inference-stream-manager-{device}:dev -f docker/dockerfiles/Dockerfile.onnx.{device}.stream_manager .

Bare-metal deployment

In some cases, it would be required to deploy the application at host level. This is possible, although client must resolve the environment in a way that is presented in Stream Manager and Stream Management API dockerfiles appropriate for specific platform. Once this is done the following command should be run:

repository_root$ python -m  # runs manager
repository_root$ python -m  # runs management API

How to integrate?

After running roboflow-inference-stream-management-api container, HTTP API will be available under (given that default configuration is used).

One can call wget to get OpenApi specification of API that can be rendered here

Example Python client is provided below:

import requests
from typing import Optional

URL = ""

def list_pipelines() -> dict:
    response = requests.get(f"{URL}/list_pipelines")
    return response.json()

def get_pipeline_status(pipeline_id: str) -> dict:
    response = requests.get(f"{URL}/status/{pipeline_id}")
    return response.json()

def pause_pipeline(pipeline_id: str) -> dict:
    response ="{URL}/pause/{pipeline_id}")
    return response.json()

def resume_pipeline(pipeline_id: str) -> dict:
    response ="{URL}/resume/{pipeline_id}")
    return response.json()

def terminate_pipeline(pipeline_id: str) -> dict:
    response ="{URL}/terminate/{pipeline_id}")
    return response.json()

def initialise_pipeline(
    video_reference: str,
    model_id: str,
    api_key: str,
    sink_host: str,
    sink_port: int,
    max_fps: Optional[int] = None,
) -> dict:
    response =
            "type": "init",
            "sink_configuration": {
                "type": "udp_sink",
                "host": sink_host,
                "port": sink_port,
            "video_reference": video_reference,
            "model_id": model_id,
            "api_key": api_key,
            "max_fps": max_fps,

    return response.json()

Important notes

  • Please remember that initialise_pipeline() must be filled with video_reference and sink_configuration in such a way, that any resource (video file / camera device) or URI (stream reference, sink reference) must be reachable from Stream Manager environment! For instance - in some cases inside docker containers localhost will be bound into container localhost not the localhost of the machine hosting container.

Developer notes

The pivotal element of the implementation is the Stream Manager component, operating as an application in single-threaded, TCP-server mode. It systematically processes requests received from a TCP socket, taking on the responsibility of spawning and overseeing processes that run the InferencePipelineManager. Communication between the InferencePipelineManager processes and the main process of the Stream Manager occurs through multiprocessing queues. These queues facilitate the exchange of input commands and the retrieval of results.

Requests directed to the Stream Manager are sequentially handled in blocking mode, ensuring that each request must conclude before the initiation of the next one.

Communication protocol - requests

Stream Manager accepts the following binary protocol in communication. Each communication payload contains:

[HEADER: 4B, big-endian, not signed - int value with message size][MESSAGE: utf-8 serialised json of size dictated by header]

Message must be a valid JSON after decoding and represent valid command.

list_pipelines command

  "type": "list_pipelines"

init command

  "type": "init",
  "model_id": "some/1",
  "video_reference": "rtsp://",
  "sink_configuration": {
    "type": "udp_sink",
    "host": "",
    "port": 9999
  "api_key": "YOUR-API-KEY",
  "max_fps": 16,
  "model_configuration": {
    "type": "object-detection",
    "class_agnostic_nms": true,
    "confidence": 0.5,
    "iou_threshold": 0.4,
    "max_candidates": 300,
    "max_detections": 3000
  "video_source_properties": {
    "frame_width": 1920,
    "frame_height": 1080,
    "fps": 30


The model id is composed of the string <project_id>/<version_id>. You can find these pieces of information by following the guide here.

terminate command

  "type": "terminate",
  "pipeline_id": "my_pipeline"

pause command

  "type": "mute",
  "pipeline_id": "my_pipeline"

resume command

  "type": "resume",
  "pipeline_id": "my_pipeline"

status command

  "type": "status",
  "pipeline_id": "my_pipeline"

Communication protocol - responses

Stream Manager, for each request that can be processed (without timeout or source disconnection), will return the result in a format:

[HEADER: 4B, big-endian, not signed - int value with result size][RESULT: utf-8 serialised json of size dictated by header]

Structure of result:

  • request_id - field with random string representing request id assigned by Stream Manager - to ease debugging
  • pipeline_id - if command from request can be associated to specific pipeline - its ID will be denoted in response
  • response - payload of operation response

Each response has the status key with two values possible: success or failure to denote operation status. Each failed response contain error_type key to dispatch error handling and optional fields error_class and error_message representing inner details of error.

Content of successful responses depends on type of operation.

Future work

  • securing API connection layer (to enable safe remote control)
  • securing TCP socket of Stream Manager