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Inference Client

The InferenceHTTPClient enables you to interact with Inference over HTTP.

You can use this client to run models hosted:

  1. On the Roboflow platform (use client version v0), and;
  2. On device with Inference.

For models trained on the Roboflow platform, client accepts the following inputs:

  • A single image (Given as a local path, URL, np.ndarray or PIL.Image);
  • Multiple images;
  • A directory of images, or;
  • A video file.
  • Single image encoded as base64

For core model - client exposes dedicated methods to be used, but standard image loader used accepts file paths, URLs, np.ndarray and PIL.Image formats. Apart from client version (v0 or v1) - options provided via configuration are used against models trained at the platform, not the core models.

The client returns a dictionary of predictions for each image or frame.

Starting from 0.9.10 - InferenceHTTPClient provides async equivalents for the majority of methods and support for requests parallelism and batching implemented (yet in limited scope, not for all methods). Further details to be found in specific sections of this document.


Read our Run Model on an Image guide to learn how to run a model with the Inference Client.


from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(

image_url = ""
result = CLIENT.infer(image_url, model_id="soccer-players-5fuqs/1")

AsyncIO client

import asyncio
from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(

image_url = ""
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
result = loop.run_until_complete(
  CLIENT.infer_async(image_url, model_id="soccer-players-5fuqs/1")

Configuration options (used for models trained on the Roboflow platform)

configuring with context managers

Methods use_configuration(...), use_api_v0(...), use_api_v1(...), use_model(...) are designed to work in context managers. Once context manager is left - old config values are restored.

from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient, InferenceConfiguration

image_url = ""

custom_configuration = InferenceConfiguration(confidence_threshold=0.8)
# Replace ROBOFLOW_API_KEY with your Roboflow API Key
CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(
with CLIENT.use_api_v0():
    _ = CLIENT.infer(image_url, model_id="soccer-players-5fuqs/1")

with CLIENT.use_configuration(custom_configuration):
    _ = CLIENT.infer(image_url, model_id="soccer-players-5fuqs/1")

with CLIENT.use_model("soccer-players-5fuqs/1"):
    _ = CLIENT.infer(image_url)

# after leaving context manager - changes are reverted and `model_id` is still required
_ = CLIENT.infer(image_url, model_id="soccer-players-5fuqs/1")

As you can see - model_id is required to be given for prediction method only when default model is not configured.


The model id is composed of the string <project_id>/<version_id>. You can find these pieces of information by following the guide here.

Setting the configuration once and using till next change

Methods configure(...), select_api_v0(...), select_api_v1(...), select_model(...) are designed alter the client state and will be preserved until next change.

from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient, InferenceConfiguration

image_url = ""

custom_configuration = InferenceConfiguration(confidence_threshold=0.8)
# Replace ROBOFLOW_API_KEY with your Roboflow API Key
CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(
_ = CLIENT.infer(image_url, model_id="soccer-players-5fuqs/1")

# API v0 still holds
CLIENT.infer(image_url, model_id="soccer-players-5fuqs/1")

# API v0 and custom configuration still holds
_ = CLIENT.infer(image_url)

# API v0, custom configuration and selected model - still holds
_ = CLIENT.infer(image_url)

One may also initialise in chain mode:

from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient, InferenceConfiguration

# Replace ROBOFLOW_API_KEY with your Roboflow API Key
CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(api_url="http://localhost:9001", api_key="ROBOFLOW_API_KEY") \
    .select_api_v0() \

Overriding model_id for specific call

model_id can be overriden for specific call

from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

image_url = ""

# Replace ROBOFLOW_API_KEY with your Roboflow API Key
CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(api_url="http://localhost:9001", api_key="ROBOFLOW_API_KEY") \

_ = CLIENT.infer(image_url, model_id="another-model/1")

Parallel / Batch inference

You may want to predict against multiple images at single call. There are two parameters of InferenceConfiguration that specifies batching and parallelism options: - max_concurrent_requests - max number of concurrent requests that can be started - max_batch_size - max number of elements that can be injected into single request (in v0 mode - API only support a single image in payload for the majority of endpoints - hence in this case, value will be overriden with 1 to prevent errors)

Thanks to that the following improvements can be achieved: - if you run inference container with API on prem on powerful GPU machine - setting max_batch_size properly may bring performance / throughput benefits - if you run inference against hosted Roboflow API - setting max_concurrent_requests will cause multiple images being served at once bringing performance / throughput benefits - combination of both options can be beneficial for clients running inference container with API on cluster of machines, then the load of single node can be optimised and parallel requests to different nodes can be made at a time ``

from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

image_url = ""

# Replace ROBOFLOW_API_KEY with your Roboflow API Key
CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(
predictions = CLIENT.infer([image_url] * 5, model_id="soccer-players-5fuqs/1")


Methods that support batching / parallelism: -infer(...) and infer_async(...) - infer_from_api_v0(...) and infer_from_api_v0_async(...) (enforcing max_batch_size=1) - ocr_image(...) and ocr_image_async(...) (enforcing max_batch_size=1) - detect_gazes(...) and detect_gazes_async(...) - get_clip_image_embeddings(...) and get_clip_image_embeddings_async(...)

Client for core models

InferenceHTTPClient now supports core models hosted via inference. Part of the models can be used on the Roboflow hosted inference platform (use as url), other are possible to be deployed locally (usually local server will be available under http://localhost:9001).


Install inference-cli package to easily run inference API locally

pip install inference-cli
inference server start


from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(
    api_url="http://localhost:9001",  # or "" to use hosted serving

CLIENT.get_clip_image_embeddings(inference_input="./my_image.jpg")  # single image request
CLIENT.get_clip_image_embeddings(inference_input=["./my_image.jpg", "./other_image.jpg"])  # batch image request
CLIENT.get_clip_text_embeddings(text="some")  # single text request
CLIENT.get_clip_text_embeddings(text=["some", "other"])  # other text request
    prompt=["fox", "dog"],

CLIENT.clip_compare(...) method allows to compare different combination of subject_type and prompt_type:

  • (image, image)
  • (image, text)
  • (text, image)
  • (text, text) Default mode is (image, text).


Check out async methods for Clip model:

from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(
    api_url="http://localhost:9001",  # or "" to use hosted serving

async def see_async_method(): 
  await CLIENT.get_clip_image_embeddings_async(inference_input="./my_image.jpg")  # single image request
  await CLIENT.get_clip_image_embeddings_async(inference_input=["./my_image.jpg", "./other_image.jpg"])  # batch image request
  await CLIENT.get_clip_text_embeddings_async(text="some")  # single text request
  await CLIENT.get_clip_text_embeddings_async(text=["some", "other"])  # other text request
  await CLIENT.clip_compare_async(
      prompt=["fox", "dog"],

CogVLM - DEPRECATED in inference 0.38.0

Method deprecated

CogVLM was deprecated in inference 0.38.0 due to changes we need to apply to mitigate CVE-2024-11393.

from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(
    api_url="http://localhost:9001",  # only local hosting supported

    text_prompt="So - what is your final judgement about the content of the picture?",
    chat_history=[("I think the image shows XXX", "You are wrong - the image shows YYY")], # optional parameter


from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(
    api_url="http://localhost:9001",  # or "" to use hosted serving

CLIENT.ocr_image(inference_input="./my_image.jpg")  # single image request
CLIENT.ocr_image(inference_input=["./my_image.jpg", "./other_image.jpg"])  # batch image request


Check out async methods for DocTR model:

from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(
    api_url="http://localhost:9001",  # or "" to use hosted serving

async def see_async_method(): 
  await CLIENT.ocr_image(inference_input="./my_image.jpg")  # single image request


from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(
    api_url="http://localhost:9001",  # only local hosting supported

CLIENT.detect_gazes(inference_input="./my_image.jpg")  # single image request
CLIENT.detect_gazes(inference_input=["./my_image.jpg", "./other_image.jpg"])  # batch image request


Check out async methods for Gaze model:

from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(
    api_url="http://localhost:9001",  # or "" to use hosted serving

async def see_async_method(): 
  await CLIENT.detect_gazes(inference_input="./my_image.jpg")  # single image request

Inference against stream

One may want to infer against video or directory of images - and that modes are supported in inference-client

from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

# Replace ROBOFLOW_API_KEY with your Roboflow API Key
CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(
for frame_id, frame, prediction in CLIENT.infer_on_stream("video.mp4", model_id="soccer-players-5fuqs/1"):
    # frame_id is the number of frame
    # frame - np.ndarray with video frame
    # prediction - prediction from the model

for file_path, image, prediction in CLIENT.infer_on_stream("local/dir/", model_id="soccer-players-5fuqs/1"):
    # file_path - path to the image
    # frame - np.ndarray with video frame
    # prediction - prediction from the model

What is actually returned as prediction?

inference_client returns plain Python dictionaries that are responses from model serving API. Modification is done only in context of visualization key that keep server-generated prediction visualisation (it can be transcoded to the format of choice) and in terms of client-side re-scaling.

Methods to control inference server (in v1 mode only)

Getting server info

from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

# Replace ROBOFLOW_API_KEY with your Roboflow API Key
CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(

Listing loaded models

from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

# Replace ROBOFLOW_API_KEY with your Roboflow API Key
CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(


This method has async equivaluent: list_loaded_models_async()

Getting specific model description

from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

# Replace ROBOFLOW_API_KEY with your Roboflow API Key
CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(
CLIENT.get_model_description(model_id="some/1", allow_loading=True)

If allow_loading is set to True: model will be loaded as side-effect if it is not already loaded. Default: True.


This method has async equivaluent: get_model_description_async()

Loading model

from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

# Replace ROBOFLOW_API_KEY with your Roboflow API Key
CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(
CLIENT.load_model(model_id="some/1", set_as_default=True)

The pointed model will be loaded. If set_as_default is set to True: after successful load, model will be used as default model for the client. Default value: False.


This method has async equivaluent: load_model_async()

Unloading model

from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

# Replace ROBOFLOW_API_KEY with your Roboflow API Key
CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(

Sometimes (to avoid OOM at server side) - unloading model will be required.


This method has async equivaluent: unload_model_async()

Unloading all models

from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

# Replace ROBOFLOW_API_KEY with your Roboflow API Key
CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(


This method has async equivaluent: unload_all_models_async()

Inference workflows


This feature is in alpha preview. We encourage you to experiment and reach out to us with issues spotted. Check out documentation of deployment specs, create one and run


This feature only works with locally hosted inference container and hosted platform (access may be limited). Use inefernce-cli to run local container with HTTP API:

inference server start


Method infer_from_workflow(...) is deprecated starting from v0.9.21 and will be removed end of Q2 2024. Please migrate - the signature is the same, what changes is underlying inference server endpoint used to run workflow.

New method is called run_workflow(...) and is compatible with Roboflow hosted API and inverence servers in versions 0.9.21+

from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

# Replace ROBOFLOW_API_KEY with your Roboflow API Key
CLIENT = InferenceHTTPClient(

# for older versions of server than v0.9.21 use: CLIENT.infer_from_workflow(...) 
        "version": "1.0",
        "inputs": [
            {"type": "InferenceImage", "name": "image"},
            {"type": "InferenceParameter", "name": "my_param"},
        # ...
    # OR
    # workspace_name="my_workspace_name",
    # workflow_id="my_workflow_id",

        "image": "url or your np.array",
        "my_param": 37,

Please note that either specification is provided with specification of workflow as described here or both workspace_name and workflow_id are given to use workflow predefined in Roboflow app. workspace_name can be found in Roboflow APP URL once browser shows the main panel of workspace.

Server-side caching of Workflow definitions

In inference v0.22.0 we've added server-side caching of Workflows reginsted on Roboflow platform which is enabled by default. When you use run_workflow(...) method with workspace_name and workflow_id server will cache the definition for 15 minutes. If you change the definition in Workflows UI and re-run the method, you may not see the change. To force processing without cache, pass use_cache=False as a parameter of run_workflow(...) method.

Workflows profiling

Since inference v0.22.0, you may request profiler trace of your Workflow execution from server passing enable_profiling=True parameter to run_workflow(...) method. If server configuration enables traces exposure, you will be able to find a JSON file with trace in a directory specified by profiling_directory parameter of InferenceConfiguration - by default it is inference_profiling directory in your current working directory. The traces can be directly loaded and rendered in Google Chrome - navigate into chrome://tracing in your borwser and hit "load" button.

Details about client configuration

inference-client provides InferenceConfiguration dataclass to hold whole configuration.

from inference_sdk import InferenceConfiguration

Overriding fields in this config changes the behaviour of client (and API serving model). Specific fields are used in specific contexts. In particular:

Inference in v0 mode

The following fields are passed to API

  • confidence_threshold (as confidence) - to alter model thresholding
  • keypoint_confidence_threshold as (keypoint_confidence) - to filter out detected keypoints based on model confidence
  • format: to visualise on server side - use image (just the image) or image_and_json (prediction details and image base64)
  • visualize_labels (as labels) - used in visualisation to show / hide labels for classes
  • mask_decode_mode
  • tradeoff_factor
  • max_detections: max detections to return from model
  • iou_threshold (as overlap) - to dictate NMS IoU threshold
  • stroke_width: width of stroke in visualisation
  • count_inference as countinference
  • service_secret
  • disable_preproc_auto_orientation, disable_preproc_contrast, disable_preproc_grayscale, disable_preproc_static_crop to alter server-side pre-processing
  • disable_active_learning to prevent Active Learning feature from registering the datapoint (can be useful for instance while testing model)
  • source Optional string to set a "source" attribute on the inference call; if using model monitoring, this will get logged with the inference request so you can filter/query inference requests coming from a particular source. e.g. to identify which application, system, or deployment is making the request.
  • source_info Optional string to set additional "source_info" attribute on the inference call; e.g. to identify a sub component in an app.
  • active_learning_target_dataset - making inference from specific model (let's say project_a/1), when we want to save data in another project project_b - the latter should be pointed to by this parameter. **Please remember that you cannot use different type of models in project_a and project_b - if that is the case - data will not be registered) - since v0.9.18

Classification model in v1 mode:

  • visualize_predictions: flag to enable / disable visualisation
  • confidence_threshold as confidence
  • stroke_width: width of stroke in visualisation
  • disable_preproc_auto_orientation, disable_preproc_contrast, disable_preproc_grayscale, disable_preproc_static_crop to alter server-side pre-processing
  • disable_active_learning to prevent Active Learning feature from registering the datapoint (can be useful for instance while testing model)
  • active_learning_target_dataset - making inference from specific model (let's say project_a/1), when we want to save data in another project project_b - the latter should be pointed to by this parameter. **Please remember that you cannot use different type of models in project_a and project_b - if that is the case - data will not be registered) - since v0.9.18

  • visualize_predictions: flag to enable / disable visualisation

  • confidence_threshold as confidence
  • stroke_width: width of stroke in visualisation
  • disable_preproc_auto_orientation, disable_preproc_contrast, disable_preproc_grayscale, disable_preproc_static_crop to alter server-side pre-processing
  • disable_active_learning to prevent Active Learning feature from registering the datapoint (can be useful, for instance, while testing the model)

  • source Optional string to set a "source" attribute on the inference call; if using model monitoring, this will get logged with the inference request so you can filter/query inference requests coming from a particular source. e.g. to identify which application, system, or deployment is making the request.

  • source_info Optional string to set additional "source_info" attribute on the inference call; e.g. to identify a sub component in an app.

Object detection model in v1 mode:

  • visualize_predictions: flag to enable / disable visualisation
  • visualize_labels: flag to enable / disable labels visualisation if visualisation is enabled
  • confidence_threshold as confidence
  • class_filter to filter out list of classes
  • class_agnostic_nms: flag to control whether NMS is class-agnostic
  • fix_batch_size
  • iou_threshold: to dictate NMS IoU threshold
  • stroke_width: width of stroke in visualisation
  • max_detections: max detections to return from model
  • max_candidates: max candidates to post-processing from model
  • disable_preproc_auto_orientation, disable_preproc_contrast, disable_preproc_grayscale, disable_preproc_static_crop to alter server-side pre-processing
  • disable_active_learning to prevent Active Learning feature from registering the datapoint (can be useful for instance while testing model)
  • source Optional string to set a "source" attribute on the inference call; if using model monitoring, this will get logged with the inference request so you can filter/query inference requests coming from a particular source. e.g. to identify which application, system, or deployment is making the request.
  • source_info Optional string to set additional "source_info" attribute on the inference call; e.g. to identify a sub component in an app.
  • active_learning_target_dataset - making inference from specific model (let's say project_a/1), when we want to save data in another project project_b - the latter should be pointed to by this parameter. **Please remember that you cannot use different type of models in project_a and project_b - if that is the case - data will not be registered) - since v0.9.18

Keypoints detection model in v1 mode:

  • visualize_predictions: flag to enable / disable visualisation
  • visualize_labels: flag to enable / disable labels visualisation if visualisation is enabled
  • confidence_threshold as confidence
  • keypoint_confidence_threshold as (keypoint_confidence) - to filter out detected keypoints based on model confidence
  • class_filter to filter out list of object classes
  • class_agnostic_nms: flag to control whether NMS is class-agnostic
  • fix_batch_size
  • iou_threshold: to dictate NMS IoU threshold
  • stroke_width: width of stroke in visualisation
  • max_detections: max detections to return from model
  • max_candidates: max candidates to post-processing from model
  • disable_preproc_auto_orientation, disable_preproc_contrast, disable_preproc_grayscale, disable_preproc_static_crop to alter server-side pre-processing
  • disable_active_learning to prevent Active Learning feature from registering the datapoint (can be useful for instance while testing model)
  • source Optional string to set a "source" attribute on the inference call; if using model monitoring, this will get logged with the inference request so you can filter/query inference requests coming from a particular source. e.g. to identify which application, system, or deployment is making the request.
  • source_info Optional string to set additional "source_info" attribute on the inference call; e.g. to identify a sub component in an app.
  • active_learning_target_dataset - making inference from specific model (let's say project_a/1), when we want to save data in another project project_b - the latter should be pointed to by this parameter. **Please remember that you cannot use different type of models in project_a and project_b - if that is the case - data will not be registered) - since v0.9.18

Instance segmentation model in v1 mode:

  • visualize_predictions: flag to enable / disable visualisation
  • visualize_labels: flag to enable / disable labels visualisation if visualisation is enabled
  • confidence_threshold as confidence
  • class_filter to filter out list of classes
  • class_agnostic_nms: flag to control whether NMS is class-agnostic
  • fix_batch_size
  • iou_threshold: to dictate NMS IoU threshold
  • stroke_width: width of stroke in visualisation
  • max_detections: max detections to return from model
  • max_candidates: max candidates to post-processing from model
  • disable_preproc_auto_orientation, disable_preproc_contrast, disable_preproc_grayscale, disable_preproc_static_crop to alter server-side pre-processing
  • mask_decode_mode
  • tradeoff_factor
  • disable_active_learning to prevent Active Learning feature from registering the datapoint (can be useful for instance while testing model)
  • source Optional string to set a "source" attribute on the inference call; if using model monitoring, this will get logged with the inference request so you can filter/query inference requests coming from a particular source. e.g. to identify which application, system, or deployment is making the request.
  • source_info Optional string to set additional "source_info" attribute on the inference call; e.g. to identify a sub component in an app.
  • active_learning_target_dataset - making inference from specific model (let's say project_a/1), when we want to save data in another project project_b - the latter should be pointed to by this parameter. **Please remember that you cannot use different type of models in project_a and project_b - if that is the case - data will not be registered) - since v0.9.18

Configuration of client

  • output_visualisation_format: one of (VisualisationResponseFormat.BASE64, VisualisationResponseFormat.NUMPY, VisualisationResponseFormat.PILLOW) - given that server-side visualisation is enabled - one may choose what format should be used in output
  • image_extensions_for_directory_scan: while using CLIENT.infer_on_stream(...) with local directory this parameter controls type of files (extensions) allowed to be processed - default: ["jpg", "jpeg", "JPG", "JPEG", "png", "PNG"]
  • client_downsizing_disabled: set to False if you want to perform client-side downsizing - default True ( changed in version 0.16.0 - previously was False). Client-side scaling is only supposed to down-scale (keeping aspect-ratio) the input for inference - to utilise internet connection more efficiently (but for the price of images manipulation / transcoding). If model registry endpoint is available (mode v1) - model input size information will be used, if not: default_max_input_size will be in use.
  • max_concurrent_requests - max number of concurrent requests that can be started
  • max_batch_size - max number of elements that can be injected into single request (in v0 mode - API only support a single image in payload for the majority of endpoints - hence in this case, value will be overriden with 1 to prevent errors)


The default value for flag client_downsizing_disabled was changed from False to True in release 0.16.0! For clients using models with input size above 1024x1024 running models on hosted platform it should improve predictions quality (as previous default behaviour was causing that input was downsized and then artificially upsized on the server side with worse image quality). There may be some clients that would like to remain previous settings to potentially improve speed ( when internet connection is a bottleneck and large images are submitted despite small model input size).

Configuration of Workflows execution

  • profiling_directory: parameter specify the location where Workflows profiler traces are saved. By default, it is ./inference_profiling directory.


Why does the Inference client have two modes (v0 and v1)?

We are constantly improving our infrence package - initial version (v0) is compatible with models deployed on the Roboflow platform (task types: classification, object-detection, instance-segmentation and keypoints-detection) are supported. Version v1 is available in locally hosted Docker images with HTTP API.

Locally hosted inference server exposes endpoints for model manipulations, but those endpoints are not available at the moment for models deployed on the Roboflow platform.

api_url parameter passed to InferenceHTTPClient will decide on default client mode - URLs with * will be defaulted to version v0.

Usage of model registry control methods with v0 clients will raise WrongClientModeError.