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Predict on an Image Over HTTP

A Roboflow Inference server provides a standard API through which to run inference on computer vision models.

In this guide, we show how to run inference on object detection, classification, and segmentation models using Inference.


Inference is compatible with models trained on Roboflow, but stay tuned as we actively develop support for bringing your own models.

You can run inference on images from:

  1. URLs, which will be downloaded from the internet
  2. File names, which will be read from disk
  3. PIL images
  4. NumPy arrays

Step #1: Install the Inference Server

You can skip this step if you already have Inference installed and running.

The Inference Server runs in Docker. Before we begin, make sure you have installed Docker on your system. To learn how to install Docker, refer to the official Docker installation guide.

Once you have Docker installed, you are ready to download Roboflow Inference. The command you need to run depends on what device you are using.

Start the server using inference server start. After you have installed the Inference Server, the Docker container will start running the server at localhost:9001.

Step #2: Run Inference

You can send a URL with an image, a NumPy array, or a base64-encoded image to an Inference server. The server will return a JSON response with the predictions.

There are two generations of routes in a Roboflow inference server To see what routes are available for a running inference server instance, visit the /docs route in a browser. Roboflow hosted inference endpoints ( only support V1 routes.

Run Inference on a v2 Route


Create a new Python file and add the following code:

# import client from inference_sdk
from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient,
# import os to get the API_KEY from the environment
import os

# set the project_id, model_version, image_url
project_id = "soccer-players-5fuqs"
model_version = 1
image_url = ""

# create a client object
client = InferenceHTTPClient(

# run inference on the image
results = client.infer(image_url, model_id=f"{project_id}/{model_version}")

# print the results

Above, specify:

  1. project_id, model_version: Your project ID and model version number. Learn how to retrieve your project ID and model version number.
  2. image_url: The URL of the image you want to run inference on.

Then, run the Python script:


Create a new Python file and add the following code:

# import client from inference sdk
from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient
# import PIL for loading image
from PIL import Image
# import os for getting api key from environment
import os

# set the project_id, model_version, image_url
project_id = "soccer-players-5fuqs"
model_version = 1
filename = "path/to/local/image.jpg"

# create a client object
client = InferenceHTTPClient(

# load the image
pil_image =

# run inference
results = client.infer(pil_image, model_id=f"{project_id}/{model_version}")


Above, specify:

  1. project_id, model_version: Your project ID and model version number. Learn how to retrieve your project ID and model version number.
  2. filename: The path to the image you want to run inference on.

Then, run the Python script:


Create a new Python file and add the following code:

# import client from inference-sdk
from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient
# import opencv for image loading
import cv2
# import os to read api key from environment
import os

# set the project_id, model_version, image_url
project_id = "soccer-players-5fuqs"
model_version = 1
filename = "path/to/local/image.jpg"

# create client
client = InferenceHTTPClient(

# load image with opencv
numpy_image = cv2.imread(filename)

# run inference
results = client.infer(numpy_image, model_id=f"{project_id}/{model_version}")


Above, specify:

  1. project_id, model_version: Your project ID and model version number. Learn how to retrieve your project ID and model version number.
  2. filename: The path to the image you want to run inference on.

Then, run the Python script:


Object detection models support batching. Utilize batch inference by passing a list of image objects in a request payload:

import requests
import base64
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO

project_id = "soccer-players-5fuqs"
model_version = 1
task = "object_detection"
confidence = 0.5
iou_thresh = 0.5
file_name = "path/to/local/image.jpg"

image =

buffered = BytesIO(), quality=100, format="JPEG")

img_str = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue())
img_str = img_str.decode("ascii")

infer_payload = {
    "model_id": f"{project_id}/{model_version}",
    "image": [
            "type": "base64",
            "value": img_str,
            "type": "base64",
            "value": img_str,
            "type": "base64",
            "value": img_str,
    "confidence": confidence,
    "iou_threshold": iou_thresh,
    "api_key": api_key,

res =

predictions = res.json()

Above, specify:

  1. project_id, model_version: Your project ID and model version number. Learn how to retrieve your project ID and model version number.
  2. confidence: The confidence threshold for predictions. Predictions with a confidence score below this threshold will be filtered out.
  3. api_key: Your Roboflow API key. Learn how to retrieve your Roboflow API key.
  4. task: The type of task you want to run. Choose from object_detection, classification, or segmentation.
  5. filename: The path to the image you want to run inference on.

Then, run the Python script:


Run Inference on a v1 Route


The Roboflow hosted API uses the V1 route and requests take a slightly different form:

import requests
import base64
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO

project_id = "soccer-players-5fuqs"
model_version = 1
confidence = 0.5
iou_thresh = 0.5
image_url = ""

res =

predictions = res.json()

Above, specify:

  1. project_id, model_version: Your project ID and model version number. Learn how to retrieve your project ID and model version number.
  2. confidence: The confidence threshold for predictions. Predictions with a confidence score below this threshold will be filtered out.
  3. api_key: Your Roboflow API key. Learn how to retrieve your Roboflow API key.
  4. task: The type of task you want to run. Choose from object_detection, classification, or segmentation.
  5. filename: The path to the image you want to run inference on.

Then, run the Python script:


The Roboflow hosted API uses the V1 route and requests take a slightly different form:

import requests
import base64
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO

project_id = "soccer-players-5fuqs"
model_version = 1
confidence = 0.5
iou_thresh = 0.5
file_name = "path/to/local/image.jpg"

image =

buffered = BytesIO(), quality=100, format="JPEG")

img_str = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue())
img_str = img_str.decode("ascii")

res =
    headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"},

predictions = res.json()

Above, specify:

  1. project_id, model_version: Your project ID and model version number. Learn how to retrieve your project ID and model version number.
  2. confidence: The confidence threshold for predictions. Predictions with a confidence score below this threshold will be filtered out.
  3. api_key: Your Roboflow API key. Learn how to retrieve your Roboflow API key.
  4. task: The type of task you want to run. Choose from object_detection, classification, or segmentation.
  5. filename: The path to the image you want to run inference on.

Then, run the Python script:


Numpy arrays can be pickled and passed to the inference server for quicker processing. Note, Roboflow hosted APIs to not accept numpy inputs for security reasons:

import requests
import cv2
import pickle

project_id = "soccer-players-5fuqs"
model_version = 1
task = "object_detection"
api_key = "YOUR API KEY"
file_name = "path/to/local/image.jpg"

image = cv2.imread(file_name)
numpy_data = pickle.dumps(image)

res =
    headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"},

predictions = res.json()

Above, specify:

  1. project_id, model_version: Your project ID and model version number. Learn how to retrieve your project ID and model version number.
  2. confidence: The confidence threshold for predictions. Predictions with a confidence score below this threshold will be filtered out.
  3. api_key: Your Roboflow API key. Learn how to retrieve your Roboflow API key.
  4. task: The type of task you want to run. Choose from object_detection, classification, or segmentation.
  5. filename: The path to the image you want to run inference on.

Then, run the Python script:


Batch inference is not currently supported by V1 routes.

The code snippets above will run inference on a computer vision model. On the first request, the model weights will be downloaded and set up with your local inference server. This request may take some time depending on your network connection and the size of the model. Once your model has downloaded, subsequent requests will be much faster.

The Inference Server comes with a /docs route at localhost:9001/docs or localhost:9001/redoc that provides OpenAPI-powered documentation. You can use this to reference the routes available, and the configuration options for each route.