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Active Learning

Active Learning is a process of iterative improvement of model by retraining models on dataset that grows over time. This process includes data collection (usually with smart selection of datapoints that model would most benefit from), labeling, model re-training, evaluation and deployment - to close the circle and start new iteration.

Elements of that process can be partially or fully automated - providing an elegant way of improving dataset over time, which is important to ensure good quality of model predictions over time (as the data distribution may change and a model trained on old data may not be performant facing the new one). At Roboflow, we've brought automated data collection mechanism - which is the foundational building block for Active Learning -- to the platform.

Where to start?

We suggest clients apply the following strategy to train their models. If it's applicable - start from a small, good quality dataset labeled manually (making sure that the test set is representative of the problem to be solved) and train an initial model. Once that is done - deploy your model, enabling Active Learning data collection, and gradually increase the size of your dataset with data collected in production environment.

Alternatively, it is also possible to start the project with a Universe model. Then, for each request you can specify active_learning_target_dataset - pointing to the project where the data should be saved. This way, if you find a model that meets your minimal quality criteria, you may start generating valuable predictions from day zero, while collecting good quality data to train even better models in the future.

How Active Learning data collection works?

Here is the standard workflow for Active Learning data collection:

  • The user initiates the creation of an Active Learning configuration within the Roboflow app.
  • This configuration is then distributed across all active inference instances, which may include those running against video streams and the HTTP API, both on-premises and within the Roboflow platform.
  • During runtime, as predictions are generated, images and model predictions (treated as initial annotations) are dynamically collected and submitted in batches into user project. These batches are then ready for labeling within the Roboflow platform.

How active learning works with Inference is configured in your server active learning configuration. Learn how to configure active learning.

Active learning can be disabled by setting ACTIVE_LEARNING_ENABLED=false in the environment where you run inference.

Usage patterns

Active Learning data collection may be combined with different components of the Roboflow ecosystem. In particular:

  • the inference Python package can be used to get predictions from the model and register them at Roboflow platform
  • one may want to use InferencePipeline to get predictions from video and register its video frames using Active Learning
  • self-hosted inference server - where data is collected while processing requests
  • Roboflow hosted inference - where you let us make sure you get your predictions and data registered. No infrastructure needs to run on your end, we take care of everything
  • Roboflow workflows - our newest feature - supports ActiveLearningDataCollectionBlock

Sampling Strategies

inference makes it possible to configure the way data is selected for registration. One may configure one or more sampling strategies during Active Learning configuration. We support five strategies for sampling image data for use in training new model versions. These strategies are:

  • Random sampling: Images are collected at random.
  • Close-to-threshold: Collect data close to a given threshold.
  • Detection count-based (Detection models only): Collect data with a specific number of detections returned by a detection model.
  • Class-based (Classification models only): Collect data with a specific class returned by a classification model.

How Data is Sampled

When you run Inference with an active learning configuration, the following steps are run:

  1. Sampling methods are evaluated to decide which ones are applicable to the image and prediction (evaluation happens in the order of definition in your configuration).
  2. A global limit for batch (defined in batching_strategy) is checked. Its violation terminates Active Learning attempt.
  3. Matching methods are checked against limits defined within their configurations. The first method with matching limit is selected.

Once a datapoint is selected and there is no limit violation, it will be saved into Roboflow platform with tags relevant for specific strategy (and global tags defined at the level of Active Learning configuration).

Active Learning Configuration

One may choose to configure their Active Learning with the Roboflow app UI by navigating to the Active Learning panel. Alternatively, requests to Roboflow API may be sent with custom configuration. Here is how to configure Active Learning directly through the API.

Configuration options

  • enabled: boolean flag to enable / disable the configuration (required) - {"enabled": false} is minimal valid config
  • max_image_size: two element list with positive integers (height, width) enforcing down-sizing (with aspect-ratio preservation) of images before submission into Roboflow platform (optional)
  • jpeg_compression_level: integer value in range [1, 100] representing compression level of submitted images (optional, defaults to 95)
  • persist_predictions: binary flag to decide if predictions should be collected along with images (required if enabled)
  • sampling_strategies: list of sampling strategies (non-empty list required if enabled)
  • batching_strategy: configuration of labeling batches creation - details below (required if enabled)
  • tags: list of tags (each contains 1-64 characters from range a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and -_:/.[]<>{}@) (optional)

Batching strategy

The batching_strategy field holds a dictionary with the following configuration options:

  • batches_name_prefix: A string representing the prefix of batch names created by Active Learning (required)
  • recreation_interval: One of ["never", "daily", "weekly", "monthly"]: representing the interval which is to be used to create separate batches. This parameter allows the user to control the flow of labeling batches over time (required).
  • max_batch_images: Positive integer representing the maximum size of the batch (applied on top of any strategy limits) to prevent too much data from being collected (optional)

Strategy limits

Each strategy can be configured with limits: list of values limiting how many images can be collected each minute, hour or day. Each entry on that list can hold two values: * type: one of ["minutely", "hourly", "daily"]: representing the type of limit * value: with limit threshold

Limits are enforced with different granularity, as they are implemented based or either Redis or memory cache (bounded into a single process). So, effectively: * if the Redis cache is used - all instances of inference connected to the same Redis service will share limit enforcements * otherwise, the memory cache of a single instance is used (multiple processes will have their own limits)

Self-hosted inference may be connected to your own Redis cache.

Example configuration

    "enabled": true,
    "max_image_size": [1200, 1200],
    "jpeg_compression_level": 75,
    "persist_predictions": true,
    "sampling_strategies": [
        "name": "default_strategy",
        "type": "random",
        "traffic_percentage": 0.1,
        "limits": [{"type": "daily", "value": 100}]
    "batching_strategy": {
      "batches_name_prefix": "al_batch",
      "recreation_interval": "daily"

Set Configuration

To set an active learning configuration, use the following code:

import requests

def set_active_learning_configuration(
    workspace: str,
    project: str,
    api_key: str,
    config: dict,
) -> None:
    response =
            "config": config,
    return response.json()

        "enabled": True,
        "persist_predictions": True,
        "batching_strategy": {
            "batches_name_prefix": "my_batches",
            "recreation_interval": "daily",
        "sampling_strategies": [
                "name": "default_strategy",
                "type": "random",
                "traffic_percentage": 0.01, 
                "limits": [{"type": "daily", "value": 100}]


  1. workspace is your workspace name;
  2. project is your project name;
  3. api_key is your API key, and;
  4. config is your active learning configuration.

Retrieve Existing Configuration

To retrieve an existing active learning configuration, use the following code:

import requests

def get_active_learning_configuration(
    workspace: str,
    project: str,
    api_key: str
) -> None:
    response = requests.get(
    return response.json()

Above, replace workspace with your workspace name, project with your project name, and api_key with your API key.


One may use {dataset_name}/0 as model_id while making prediction - to use null model for specific project. It is going to provide predictions in the following format:

    "time": 0.0002442499971948564,
    "is_stub": true,
    "model_id": "asl-poly-instance-seg/0",
    "task_type": "instance-segmentation"


The model id is composed of the string <project_id>/<version_id>. You can find these pieces of information by following the guide here.

This option, combined with Active Learning (namely random sampling strategy), provides a way to start data collection even prior any model is trained. There are several benefits of such strategy. The most important is building the dataset representing the true production distribution, before any model is trained.

Example client usage:

import cv2
from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

image = cv2.imread("<path_to_your_image>")
LOCALHOST_CLIENT.infer(image, model_id="asl-poly-instance-seg/0")

Parameters of requests to inference server influencing the Active Learning data collection

There are a few parameters that can be added to request to influence how data collection works, in particular:

  • disable_active_learning - to disable functionality at the level of a single request (if for some reason you do not want input data to be collected - useful for testing purposes)
  • active_learning_target_dataset - making inference from a specific model (let's say project_a/1), when we want to save data in another project project_b - the latter should be pointed to by this parameter. Please remember that you cannot use incompatible types of models in project_a and project_b; if that is the case, data will not be registered. For instance, classification predictions cannot be registered in detection-based projects. You are free to mix tasks like object-detection, instance-segmentation, or keypoints detection, but naturally not every detail of the required label may be available from prediction.

Visit Inference SDK docs to learn more.