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Docker Configuration Options

Inference servers have a number of configurable parameters which can be set using environment variables. To set an environment variable with the docker run command, use the -e flag with an argument, like this:

docker run -it --rm -e ENV_VAR_NAME=env_var_value -p 9001:9001 --gpus all roboflow/roboflow-inference-server-gpu:latest



HOST: String (default =

Sets the host address used by HTTP interfaces.

Inference Server Port

PORT: Integer (default = 9001)

Sets the port used by HTTP interfaces.

Class Agnostic NMS


Type: Boolean (default = False)

Sets the default non-maximal suppression (NMS) behavior for detection type models (object detection, instance segmentation, etc.). If True, the default NMS behavior will be class be class agnostic, meaning overlapping detections from different classes may be removed based on the IoU threshold. If False, only overlapping detections from the same class will be considered for removal by NMS.

Allow Origins


Type: String (default = "*")

Sets the allow_origins property on the CORSMiddleware used with FastAPI for HTTP interfaces. Multiple values can be provided separated by a comma (ex.,

CLIP Model Options

CLIP Version


Type: String (default = ViT-B-16)

Sets the OpenAI CLIP version for use by all /clip routes. Available model versions are: RN101, RN50, RN50x16, RN50x4, RN50x64, ViT-B-16, BiT-B-32, BiT-L-14-336px, and ViT-L-14.

CLIP Batch Size


Type: Integer (default = 8)

Sets the max batch size accepted by the clip model inference functions.

Batch Size

FIX_BATCH_SIZE: Boolean (default = False)

If true, the batch size will be fixed to the maximum batch size configured for this server.

License Server

LICENSE_SERVER: String (default = None)

Sets the address of a Roboflow license server.

Maximum Active Models

MAX_ACTIVE_MODELS: Integer (default = 8)

Sets the maximum number of models the internal model manager will store in memory at one time. By default, the model queue will remove the least recently accessed model when making space for a new model.

Maximum Candidates

MAX_CANDIDATES: Integer (default = 3000)

The maximum number of candidates for detection.

Maximum Detections

MAX_DETECTIONS: Integer (default = 300)

Sets the maximum number of detections returned by a model.

Model Cache Directory

MODEL_CACHE_DIR: String (default = /tmp/cache)

Sets the container path for the root model cache directory.

Number of Workers

NUM_WORKERS: Integer (default = 1)

Sets the number of workers used by HTTP interfaces.

TensorRT Cache Directory


Sets the container path to the TensorRT cache directory. Setting this path in conjunction with mounting a host volume can reduce the cold start time of TensorRT based servers.