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Roboflow workflows

Roboflow workflows let you integrate your Machine Learning model into your environment without writing a single line of code. You only need to select which steps you need to complete desired actions and connect them together to create a workflow.

What makes a workflow?

As mentioned above, workflows are made of steps. Steps perform specific actions (like making prediction from a model or registering results somewhere). They are instances of blocks, which ship the code (implementing what's happening behind the scene) and manifest (describing the way on how block can be used). Great news is you do not even need to care about the code. (If you do, that's great - workflows only may benefit from your skills). But the clue is - there are two (non mutually exclusive) archetypes of people using workflows - the ones employing existing blocks to work by combining them together and running as workflow using execution engine. The other use their programming skills to create own block and seamlessly plug them into workflows ecosystem such that other people can use them to create their workflows. We will cover blocks creation topics later on, so far let's focus on how you can use workflows in your project.

While creating a workflow you can use graphical UI or JSON workflow definition. UI will ultimately generate JSON definition, but it is much easier to use. JSON definition can be created manually, but it is rather something that is needed to ship workflow to execution engine rather than a tool that people uses on the daily basis.

The first step is picking set of blocks needed to achieve your goal. Then you define inputs describing either images or parameters that will become base for processing when workflow is run by execution engine. Those inputs are placeholders in workflow definition and will be substituted in runtime with actual values.

Once you defined your inputs you need to connect them into appropriate steps. You can do it by drawing connection between workflow input and compatible step input. That action creates a selector in workflow definition that references the specific input and will be resolved by execution engine in runtime.

On the similar note, steps are possible to be connected. Output of one step can be referenced as an input to another step given the pair is compatible (we will describe that later or).

At the end of the day, you define workflow outputs by selecting and naming outputs of steps that you want to expose in result of workflow run that will be performed by execution engine.

And - that's everything to know about workflows to hit the ground running.

What do I need to know to create blocks?

In this section we provide the knowledge required to understand on how to create a custom workflow block. This is not the ultimate guide providing all technical details - instead, this section provides description for terminology used in more in-depth sections of documentation and lays the foundations required to understand workflows in-depth.

What users define as JSON workflow definition is actually a high-level programming language to define workflow. All the symbols provided in definition must be understood and resolved by execution engine. Itself, execution engine consist of two components - workflow compiler and workflows executor. Compiler is responsible for taking the workflow definition and turning it into execution graph that is understood by workflows executor, which is responsible for running the workflow against specific input. Compilation may happen once and after that different input data may be fed to workflows executor to provide results.

It is important to understand the relation between code that is run by workflows executor (defined within workflow blocks) and JSON workflow definitions which is parsed and transformed by workflows compiler. First of all - valid block ships the code via implementation of abstract class called WorkflowBlock. Implementation must define methods to run the computations, but also the methods to provide description for inputs and outputs of the block. The latter part is probably the difference that programmers would experience comparing writing a custom code vs creating workflows block.

Block inputs are described by block manifest - pydantic entity that defines two obligatory fields (name and type) and as many additional properties as needed describing parametrisation of the block. pydantic manifest serves multiple roles in workflows. First of all - it is the source of syntax definition. Whatever is valid as part of JSON workflow definition comes from the structure of manifests declared for blocks. Pydantic also validates the syntax of workflow definition automatically and provides OpenAPI 3.x compatible schemas for blocks (making it possible to integrate with UI). Additionally, manifest tells execution engine what are the parameters that must be injected to invocation of function to run the block logic.

Looking at specific example. The following manifest:

class BlockManifest(WorkflowBlockManifest):
    model_config = ConfigDict(
            "description": "This block produces dynamic crops based on detections from detections-based model.",
            "docs": "",
            "block_type": "transformation",
    type: Literal["Crop"]
    image: Union[InferenceImageSelector, OutputStepImageSelector] = Field(
        description="The image to infer on",
        examples=["$inputs.image", "$steps.cropping.crops"],
    predictions: StepOutputSelector(
    ) = Field(
        description="Reference to predictions of detection-like model, that can be based of cropping "
        "(detection must define RoI - eg: bounding box)",
        validation_alias=AliasChoices("predictions", "detections"),
defines manifest for block performing image cropping based on detections. One may point few elements: * native pydantic validation of fields is heavily in use - we want that, as thanks to this mechanism, we can automatically validate the syntax and provide all of necessary details about entities validation to the outside world (for instance to the UI) * custom types (InferenceImageSelector, OutputStepImageSelector) are in use and somewhat strange concept of kind is introduced - we will cover that later * model_config defining extra metadata added for auto-generated block manifest schema

Having that manifest, at the level of workflow definition you can instantiate the cropping step using:

  "type": "crop",
  "name": "my_step",
  "image": "$inputs.image",
  "predictions": "$steps.detection.predictions"
and that definition will be automatically validated. Looking at the JSON document provided above, you can probably see two unusual entries - "$inputs.image" and "$steps.detection.predictions" - those are selectors which we use to reference something that is not possible to be defined statically while creating workflow definition, but will be accessible in runtime - like image and output of some previous step.

On the similar note, block must declare its outputs - which is list of properties which will be returned after block is run. Those must be declared with name (unique within single block) and kind (which will be covered later).

How data flows through workflow?

Knowing the details about blocks it's also good to understand how data is managed by executor engine. Running workflow, user provides actual inputs that are declared in workflow definition. Those are registered in special cache created for the run. Once steps are run - execution engine provides all required parameters to steps and register outputs in the cache. Those outputs may be referenced by other steps by selectors in their manifests. At the end of the run - all declared outputs are grabbed from the cache.

There are two categories of data that we recognise in workflows. Parameters that are "singular" - like confidence thresholds or other hyperparameters. Those are declared for all the images that are used in processing, not at the level of single batch elements. There are also workflows data that are organised in batches - like input images or outputs from steps. The assumptions are: * static elements of manifests (fields that do not provide selectors) and input parameters of type InferenceParameter are "singular" * input of type InferenceImage, manifests fields declared as selectors (apart from step selectors) and all step outputs are assumed batch-major (expect list of things to be provided)

Selectors and kind

Selectors are needed to make references between steps. You can compare them to pointers in such programming languages as C or C++. As you probably see - selectors are quite abstract - we do not even know if something that is selected (input - $, step - $steps.my_step or step output $steps.my_step.output) even exist. That aspect can be automatically verified by compiler. But even if referred element exists - what is that thing? That would barely impossible to guess in general case. To solve this problem we introduced simple type system on top of selectors - kinds.

Rules are quite simple. If you do not define selector kind - it is assumed to be wildcard - equivalent to Any. It would work, but compiler would have zero knowledge about data that should be shipped - hence error preventions mechanisms may not fully work. It is possible however to declare one or many kind that is expected for the selector (or step output - as those also declare kinds). Many alternatives provided are treated as union of types.

How to define kind? Well - kinds represent some abstract concept with a name - that's it. There can be as general kind as "number" and as specific as "detection_with_tracking". blocks creators should use kinds defined in core of the workflows library or create own ones - that will fit their custom blocks.

Stateful nature of blocks

Blocks are stateful to make it possible to compile a workflow and run it against series of images to support for use cases like tracking. It is ensured by the fact that each instance of block (step) is a class that have constructor and maintain it's state. Some classes would require init parameters - those must be declared in block definition and will be resolved and provided by execution engine.

What are the sources of blocks?

Blocks can be defined withing workflows core library, but may also be shipped as custom plugin in form of python library. This library must define blocks and provide two additional elements to fulfill the contract:

  • load_blocks() function accessible in of library that provides List[BlockSpecification] with details of blocks.

  • optional dict of REGISTERED_INITIALIZERS - with mapping from init parameter name to specific value or parameter-free method to assembly the value.

To load blocks from plugin - install the library in your environment, and then add the name of library into environmental variable WORKFLOWS_PLUGINS - this should be comma separated list of libraries with plugins. And that's it - plugin should be automatically loaded.