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Video Processing with Workflows

We've begun our journey into video processing using Workflows. Over time, we've expanded the number of video-specific blocks (e.g., the ByteTracker block) and continue to dedicate efforts toward improving their performance and robustness. The current state of this work is as follows:

  • We've introduced the WorkflowVideoMetadata input to store metadata related to video frames, including FPS, timestamp, video source identifier, and file/stream flags. While this may not be the final approach for handling video metadata, it allows us to build stateful video-processing blocks at this stage. If your Workflow includes any blocks requiring input of kind video_metadata, you must define this input in your Workflow. The metadata functions as a batch-oriented parameter, treated by the Execution Engine in the same way as WorkflowImage.

  • The InferencePipeline supports video processing with Workflows by automatically injecting WorkflowVideoMetadata into the video_metadata field. This allows you to seamlessly run your Workflow using the InferencePipeline within the inference Python package.

  • In the 0.21.0 release, we've initiated efforts to enable video processing management via the inference server API. This means that eventually, no custom scripts will be required to process video using Workflows and InferencePipeline. You'll simply call an endpoint, specify the video source and the workflow, and the server will handle the rest—allowing you to focus on consuming the results.

Video management API - comments and status update

This is experimental feature, breaking changes may be introduced over time. There is a list of known issues. Please visit the page to raise new issues or comment on existing ones.

Release 0.21.0

  • Added basic endpoints to list, start, pause, resume, terminate and consume results of InferencePipelines running under control of inference server. Endpoints are enabled in inference server docker images for CPU, GPU and Jetson devices. Running inference server there would let you call to retrieve OpenAPI schemas for endpoints.

  • Added HTTP client for new endpoints into InferenceHTTPClient from inference_sdk. Here you may find examples on how to use the client and API to start processing videos today:


Package in version inference~=0.21.0 used in examlpe, due to experimental nature of the feature, the code may evolve over time.

from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient

client = InferenceHTTPClient(

# to list active pipelines

# start processing - single stream
    results_buffer_size=5,  # results are consumed from in-memory buffer - optionally you can control its size

# start processing - one RTSP stream and one camera
# USB camera cannot be passed easily to docker running on MacBook, but on Jetson devices it works :)

    video_reference=["rtsp://", 0],
    batch_collection_timeout=0.05,  # for consumption of multiple video sources it is ADVISED to 
    # set batch collection timeout (defined as fraction of seconds - 0.05 = 50ms)

# start_inference_pipeline_with_workflow(...) will provide you pipeline_id which may be used to:

# * get pipeline status

# * pause pipeline

# * resume pipeline

# * terminate pipeline

# * consume pipeline results
    excluded_fields=["workflow_output_field_to_exclude"]  # this is optional
    # if you wanted to get rid of some outputs to save bandwidth - feel free to discard them

The client presented above, may be used preview workflow outputs in a very naive way. Let's assume that the Workflow you defined runs object-detection model and renders it's output using Workflows visualisation blocks registering output image in preview field. You can use the following script to pool and display processed video frames:

import cv2
from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient
from inference.core.utils.image_utils import load_image

client = InferenceHTTPClient(

while True:
    result = client.consume_inference_pipeline_result(pipeline_id="<PIPELINE-ID>")
    if not result["outputs"] or not result["outputs"][0]:
        # "outputs" key contains list of workflow results - why list? InferencePipeline can 
        # run on multiple video sources at the same time - each "round" it attempts to 
        # grab single frame from all sources and run through Workflows Execution Engine
        # * when sources are inactive that may not be possible, hence empty list can be returned
        # * when one of the source do not provide frame (for instance due to batch collection timeout)
        # outputs list may contain `None` values!
    # let's assume single source
    source_result = result["outputs"][0]
    image, _ = load_image(source_result["preview"])  # "preview" is the name of workflow output with image
    cv2.imshow("frame", image)